my life in small blurbs

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lauren's Lovely Luxurious Stories

So, I was going through my *2* memory boxes that I have carted from house to house and added to, but never really gone through them since middle school. It was probably the most epic adventure of the month. There were treasures in that box that are priceless. Lauren's Lovely Luxurious stories featured cryptic tales of modern day Snow White fantasies, plane crashes stranding the "Friends 4-Ever" Club, and the mini-biography of a 9-year-old me expressing my dreams to be a jockey, horse trainer, dog trainer, veternarian- or maybe a combination of all 4! There was also found a grand tale, appropriately named "The Trunk in the Attic," filled with healthy doses of not-so hidden foreshadowing, mayhem, and death.

I FINALLY finished the giant armoire love affair that lasted well over a month from my initial move into my new house. It is now residing in my bedroom, waiting for me to finish the unpacking dervish I have begun. I can't wait to actually have all the clothes put away and decorate! I love the house, love the girls, tolerate our nutty landlord F(anny)P(ack) Jim, and am really throwing myself into enjoying this summer.

The dogs are doing well and I am questioning the necessity of even forking out $800 for the little B-man's surgery. He navigates around quite well without it and never seems to be in pain anymore. The only time it's an issue is when he is really tired, he has more trouble getting around. And, when he is running full speed, his little peg leg flaps around in the breeze, as he sprints on the other three. The kitten brigade is winding down.... after tomorrow, only 3 remain and those are the three that are going to stay in my or Nate's house. They are about 8 weeks old and silly little bits of flufferdoo hopping all over our house, leaving mayhem in their wake.

That's all I feel like writing right now.... so, back to the grind.... ugggh.

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