my life in small blurbs

Thursday, January 15, 2009

And the Verdict is....

Guilty secret- I watch American Idol... I hate myself a little more every morning, but it's true.

That said, who the fuck is Kara Dioguardia? So flippin annoying and stuck-up.... I hope she falls and breaks her face....

Blind guys should not be given high fives. If you make the mistake of attempting to give a blind man a high five, you should not then reach down and touch his pocketed hand, saying 'I'm giving you a high five.' A) Clearly that has become a low 5 at this point and B) you look like a douche...

If you frequently audition for jobs- wear a bikini. I am not ashamed to say- that girl's ass was out of this world! If only... le sigh....

1 comment:

Laura Sue said...

Oh how I wish we lived in the same town so we could watch this together. Makes me miss our Mt. Moriah days and TV night in the basement with my opened but totally ignored nursing textbooks in my lap and the hilarious Lauren Gilchrist commentary.